Typhoid and Viral Fever: Difference, Symptoms & Treatment

Most of the people are confused between typhoid and viral fever. Well, there are many differences between them. It is necessary to understand the differences, symptoms, and treatments of Typhoid and viral fever. Typhoid is caused by salmonella typhi bacteria. Whereas viral fever is caused by the Influenza virus. You might be amazed to know that around 11 million to 21 million people around the world get typhoid each year. Let’s find out what is the difference between typhoid and viral fever symptoms and treatments of typhoid and viral fever. 

What are the Symptoms of Typhoid? 

Common symptoms of typhoid fever include chills, loss of appetite, headache, abdominal pain, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and more.  A few weeks after symptoms start, the illness can cause problems in the intestine too. If you are facing any symptoms of typhoid then you should consult a doctor at Lucknow’s best private hospital for proper treatment and early diagnosis. 

What are the Symptoms of Viral Fever? 

Viral fever is caused by influenza. Symptoms of viral fever are frequent chills, shivering or shaking, higher body temperature, runny nose, appetite loss, dehydration, headache, muscle pain, sweating, weakness or tiredness, appetite loss, and sore throat. 

Explore the Difference between Typhoid and Viral Fever

Well, both typhoid and viral fever disrupt the overall well-being of a person. They are caused by different symptoms and need different treatments. If we discuss the difference between Typhoid and Viral fever, then viral fever is caused if contacting surfaces or objects contain a virus and you come in contact with that object then there are high chances of viral fever. It can also spread through sexual contact, mosquito bites, or contaminated food or water. So you are also prone to viral fever if you are working with sick people, have unprotected sex, share needles for drugs, or live near people who are infected.     

Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi which lives in the gut of infected people and contaminates food and water. It usually spreads when you eat or drink without washing your hands. It can also happen if you drink or eat contaminated foods. You can get typhoid from another person if they don’t wash their hands after going to the restroom. When they touch surfaces and objects (like phones or doorknobs) they can leave bacteria behind that can transfer to the next person who touches it. The bacteria also spread from a person who carries this bacteria. In places where water is not clean,  and you drink that water, then it could be responsible for typhoid. 

What are the Treatments for Typhoid and Viral Fever? 

Before digging deep into the treatments, let’s understand how viral fever can be diagnosed. The doctor might ask you to undertake a blood test for confirmation of the diagnosis. Treatments for typhoid are antibiotics and depending on your health condition. Doctors may advise you on different antibiotics depending on what type of typhoid you have and when you get sick. If you are severely ill you might need additional treatments. If typhoid is left untreated then it can cause internal bleeding, intestinal perforation, swelling around your brain, miscarriage, kidney failure, bone inflammation, heart inflammation, or other complications. 

Whereas viral infection can also be treated with prescribed antibiotics. But if you stop taking antibiotics then it will impact your condition. So always follow a medication routine advised by your doctor. 

You might not be aware of the fact that viral fever may lead to complications like dehydration, nervous system malfunctions, coma, seizures,  blood infection, respiratory fever, or more health issues. Well, there are some similarities between typhoid and viral fever such as both are caused due to foreign agents and may have some similar symptoms like body aches, chills, or fever. They can be treated through specific medications. 


Typhoid is caused by salmonella typhi bacteria. Whereas viral fever is caused by the Influenza virus. Both of these are different from each other they may have similar symptoms like weakness or tiredness, appetite loss, fever, or more. If you are facing typhoid or viral fever then you should ask for a personalized treatment plan from a super-specialty hospital in LucknowSuper specialty hospitals have highly experienced doctors so you have higher chances of recovering soon from these diseases. 

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