There are many different stages in the life of a woman, which marks a very unique turn in their body as well as mind. In this blog, we will be talking about menopause, which is considered the end of an era and the beginning of another. Here we will also provide tips to maintain a healthy bladder, as the main organ that is affected during menopause is the gall bladder.
All About Menopause: A New Chapter In Women’s Life
As a woman, the menstrual cycle is followed by lots of transitions, of which menopause is the last stage. It is the stage when the egg production from the ovaries is ended, and this brings a great change in her body, be it physically or emotionally. It is the phase when the hormone level also has a significant decrease, which also causes mood changes in them.
Age and Stages Observed in Menopause:
Now, let’s know about the time when menopause usually occurs in the menstrual cycle. According to the information gathered, it is seen that menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years old, with an average age of 50 with different stages of menopause, namely, perimenopause, which is the transition period that lasts for several years when the irregularity in the menstruation is observed. After this, the menopause stage is observed, in which the woman does not get a menstrual period for approximately one year.
After menopause, the post-menopause stage is observed in which egg production from the ovaries does not occur, and hence the level of hormones, especially estrogen, is decreased to a certain level, which further causes certain symptoms of menopause.
What are the symptoms of menopause observed and how to manage it?
Observing different stages of menopause, it is essential for a woman to know about the symptoms that will be faced by them and how they can manage it without facing difficulty.
It is mainly observed that when a woman reaches menopause, she starts gaining weight along with changes in skin texture and thinning hair, with mood swings and anxiety observed. Apart from this, it is also noted that sleep is also disturbed in some with vaginal dryness and pain during sex.
Seeing the above symptoms, it is crucial for a woman to know about its management so that these difficulties can be avoided. For managing menopause symptoms, women go through certain therapies for hormone replacement and vaginal estrogen, along with following certain diets and healthy habits like exercise and stress management.
It is mainly observed that the urinary bladder of a woman is affected a lot during menopause; hence, to maintain a healthy bladder, below are the tips that can be followed when facing bladder issues due to menopause.
Why Is Bladder Affected During Menopause?
As read above, you got the idea that hormone levels decrease to a certain extent during menopause. Giving you the idea of a hormone, estrogen is decreased a lot. This decrease in the level of estrogen hormone directly affects the tissues of the urinary tract along with the pelvic floor, which affects the changes in bladder function, causing difficulty in controlling urination.
This transition causes a severe impact on women’s lives as a whole because of the inability to control urination, dryness, and itching in the vagina, and the urinary tract infection also increases, which is required to be controlled by following the below steps.
How to maintain bladder health naturally?
Seeing the above problems that are faced during menopause, a woman needs to get an idea of how to maintain a healthy bladder. For this, below are some of the tips that will help you solve this issue and live life comfortably without facing any symptoms after menopause.
As urination is seen to be frequent without any control, it is advised for the woman to use the restroom quite often and urinate frequently after every 3 to 4 hours, which is a healthy bladder training practice.
Prevent dehydration and take enough fluids in a whole day so that you don’t face itching in the vagina and pelvic tract irritation due to less water consumption Also, it is advised not to take enough water at once as the bladder will be filled and emptied.
Notice your food intake and eat healthy food, along with avoiding or reducing the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, spicy food, and artificial sweeteners as they affect the bodies of women after menopause.
Practice stress management as the decrease in the hormone causes fluctuations in mood as well; hence, mindfulness is an important practice for a woman.
Make your pelvic floor strong by doing several pelvic exercises that also help keep your bladder and pelvis strong, along with the urethra.
Finally, concluding this blog, I hope that we have made everything about menopause and its symptoms that are faced by women clear. Following the above-mentioned tips and steps, you can maintain your bladder healthy and you can remain fit.