What is Headaches: Causes, Preventions & How to Find Relief

Stress, anxiety, and depression have become so common in the present time that every age group is being affected, leading to headaches and mental health disorders. Headaches, a major concern of this generation, are all about what we will discuss today. In this blog, we will be providing a description of headaches and their types, the ways to prevent headaches naturally at home, and when to see a doctor. Everything will be cleared; just stay tuned and help yourself and your loved ones facing this issue cure. 

What is a headache? A medical definition: 

You know in medical terms, a headache is called cephalgia, a new term noticed right: It is described as pain that occurs in the head and scalp, or neck area. The pain that is faced by the person can be moderate to severe, and based on this pain and other symptoms noted by the person, it can be seen that there are different types of headaches whose descriptions and types are provided below, helping you in recognition of the headache you are facing and decide accordingly to cure with different prevention of headache methods. 

Different types of headaches and their different characteristics

Are you aware that there are more than 150 types of headaches that are faced? These types of headaches are further categorized into only two categories, namely primary and secondary. Let’s get deeper into the types of headaches and get a description of all those. 

Primary Headaches: 

The primary headache is the headache that is categorized as a headache that is mainly caused when the person is stressed or due to hormonal changes that occur in the body, or sometimes it is the headache that is seen because of taking food that you are allergic to. Primary headache is a disorder that is not caused by any underlying medical condition or structural problem of the head area. 

The types of primary headaches are mainly included:

  • Migraine

It is a type of primary headache that is caused by neurological issues that are seen frequently, and the pain faced is severe. It is seen that the person having migraine faces the problem mainly in their sensory organs, as they face difficulty seeing the sunlight, hearing loud music, and also smells affect them very badly. They are faint sometimes due to migraine and feel like vomiting as well in migraine. 

What portion of head pain is in migraine?

Migraine pain can be felt in many parts of the head, including one side, both sides, the face, neck, and scalp.

  • Tension-type headache

This is also another type of primary headache that a person faces because of the tension or stress he/she is going through in their life, and their lifestyles are also affected. In tension-type headaches, the pain is temporary as it can be cured when the person feels relief from the stress they are facing or when they do meditation to get relief from TTH. 

What portion of head pain is in tension-type headaches (TTH)?

This headache is mainly felt on both sides of the head, which is further also felt by neck and shoulder tension; even the scalp portion also gets affected sometimes. 

  • Cluster Header:

This headache is very rarely observed; that is, 2 out of 10 people face this disorder in which the neurons are affected. The pain seen near the eye socket is quite severe, and it sometimes also causes redness in the eyes. Although the main cause behind this severe headache is not seen, sometimes it is seen that the pain is because of the sudden release of serotonin hormones in the body. 

These were the primary headaches that are mentioned above, along with their cause and the portion of the head that is affected due to the pain. Now, let’s explore the solutions that will help you treat the problem that is faced by you or your loved ones.

Treatment of Primary Headaches: 

There are several natural remedies and measures that can help you get rid of the headaches that you are facing because of your irregular lifestyle or stress and worries related to any situations that you are facing. Let’s get some of the methods that you can adapt to get relief from the pain: 

  • Lifestyle changes can help you manage stress, and it can be done by doing regular exercise or having a healthy diet with a proper sleep routine that will help you overcome the primary headaches. 
  • There are several medications that are taken for pain-relieving medications that can be taken by the individual who wants to get instant relief from the pain. The medications that help in pain relief mainly include aspirin, ibuprofen, triptans, and many more. 
  • There are alternative therapies that help in getting pain relief using physiotherapy techniques like acupuncture, massage, and relaxation techniques.

Secondary Headaches: 

When the person has gone through some medical conditions or if there is some structural problem related to the head, then a secondary type of headache is faced by the person. Now, the question might arise? Is this type of headache quite serious and larger than primary? The answer to this is yes; these headaches are often symptoms of larger issues. Let’s explore different types of secondary headaches that are faced by the person facing secondary headaches, along with mentioning the treatment measures that can be taken to avoid this issue to expand or cure this problem of headache. 

Types of secondary headaches mainly include: 

  •  Post-Traumatic Headache: 

Post-traumatic headache refers to headaches that are caused when the person already has a head injury and that cause a headache that can be sudden or can occur when the injured place gets hurt, leading to severe pain further. 

  • Sinus Headache: 

It is a type of secondary headache that is caused by inflammation or infection of the sinuses. It is mainly seen that the sinus headache affects the eye socket area and the ear areas to cause severe pain and the temporal region pains a lot in this headache. While facing this pain, it is mainly recommended that the person facing this headache consult the doctor and get treated accordingly. 

  • Eye-Strain Headache: 

When the person uses a screen for a long duration and this habit is continued for a long period, it is noted that the person faces this eye-strain headache that mainly causes the eyes pain and the temporal region; this also affects the temporal region and redness of the eyes. Sometimes this headache also leads to disfunctioning the eyes, so the eyesight becomes weak when using the screen for too long. 

  • Cervicogenic headache: 

You might have heard from the people who have to work for too long duration bending from the neck downward that they are facing difficulty, and their cervical area is the neck portion, and headaches are also observed a lot. This type of pain is termed a cervicogenic headache, in which the doctors usually recommend correcting the body posture and doing neck exercises with some kinds of medications. 

Further, more types of secondary headaches are also seen that are affecting people’s lives severely, and this can be cured by undergoing medications and physiotherapy that can also be done after the diagnosis and consulting the neurologist or physiotherapist. 

Treatment Options for Secondary Headaches: 

Treating the severe pain that is faced by the person who is facing secondary headaches and recovering from the pain with the help of a consultant or specialist and living life healthily is continued. The measures for treating secondary headaches mainly include: 

  • Pain-relieving medications
  • Lifestyle changes, such as stress management and regular exercise
  • Alternative therapies, such as acupuncture and massage

This was all about headaches, their types, and the treatment measures that are required to be known by the viewers to achieve a faster recovery. 


At last, we can finalize the blog, hoping that you overcome the problem-related health very soon and that this blog was useful for you in getting the information related to headaches and their types that are affecting the lifestyles of the individuals severely.

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